We are inviting you for your FIRST VISIT with FIZJO-SPORT physiotherapist.
Formularz – Pierwsza wizyta z fizjoterapeutą
Wybierz odpowiadający termin i wypełnij pozostałe pola. Skontaktujemy się w ciągu najbliższych 24 godzin lub najbliższy dzień roboczy i przedstawimy pełną informację.
Take care of your health! Schedule your first appointment with a movement specialist.
Our work philosophy is cause and effect relationship. We refer to ourselves as physiotherapist detectives who search for the source of pain.
Our work has an educational-cognitive part, the second part is primarily a detailed assessment and analysis of the patient’s movement and function. In order to first find and then correct even the smallest disorders, which not infrequently turn into big damages within the locomotor system.
Well conducted diagnosis gives us the basis to be able to determine: the time of therapy, the goals of therapy and to establish the appropriate treatment.
The goal is a complete cure, not just a temporary improvement or reduction in pain. We do not want to act like painkillers, which modulate or change the pain. But most of all, we want the full return of function and efficiency of the patient.