The main area of our activity is physiotherapy, programming and implementation of rehabilitation and sports training. Since the beginning of the center, we have based our work primarily on accurate diagnosis and assessment of movement and functional therapy. Our mission is to enhance each patient’s quality of life.
Get to know our physiotherapy center.
Make an appointment for the first diagnostic visit.
Take care of your health today!
A world championship – they set me right. A team of professionals with a lot of experience and knowledge 🙌
Very good centre. Not only great atmosphere, but above all professional and individual approach to each case. Everything is discussed in detail and not told in generalities. I recommend it not only to people who already have some pain, but also to all who are physically active in some way.
A masterpiece of the world. They put me together on the spot, plus told me what not to do
Thanks a lot 🙌
Full professionalism, super approach to the patient
I recommend!
The best physiotherapy centre in Rzeszów.
I went to Krzysztof and after the first conversation I knew that it was a good choice 🙂 He helped me to choose the right exercises, explained where the problem is, what I should pay more attention to and thanks to that I don’t have to worry about my knee problems.
Additionally, the whole team is always smiling, professional with a lot of knowledge.
Krzysztof, thank you for your help, teaching, conversations🙂
I wholeheartedly recommend ‼️🙂
Greetings to the entire team🙂🙂
Many years of pain in my neck and back and a shoulder massacred by crossfit performances made me go to the guys from Fizjo-Sport. As it turned out, it was by all means the right thing to do. Well, you can reverse bad habits that you have worked on for years and consciously control your own body. In addition, you can remove massive pains and movement limitations with the help of properly selected exercises. Full professionalism, great help, individual approach to the miserable person in pain. Nice atmosphere and professional advice on an ongoing basis and for the future.
I can say it with a clear conscience:
Wanderer, if something bothers you during your journey, head straight to Fizjo-Sport where you will find rescue and solace.
Best regards to Jakub and Michal
Physiotherapists know what they are doing, they are professionals, working and exercising with them, despite the physical effort is a pleasure, they are able to cure injuries, and in addition they are very positive towards clients and sociable. I highly recommend!
I recommend it to everyone with complaints, but also to those who want to improve their fitness and mobility. Jakub Chudy physiotherapist with great knowledge, super approach to the customer. Best regards!!!
Revelation!!! Doctors for a long time “treated” the pain in my back caused by a hernia in the spine, with all kinds of pills, injections, etc., after which yes it hurt less, but …. When I asked if this was the only option, because maybe physiotherapy would help me, he said “physiotherapy will not help you”. I knew that the doctor was wrong, because I feel better and better, I gave up all medications and exercised under the supervision of a brilliant expert Michal, I exercise all the time and at the moment it is so good that I go skiing for the first time in my life! I recommend with all my heart because it is hard to find such good professionals who are so devoted to their patients. Thank you very much, you are irreplaceable.
I recommend it to everybody. Jakub Chudy chose the right exercises for me and all my back pains are gone. I still exercise so that the pains and discomfort that I had before I started working with Jakub don’t return.
Great knowledge, professional approach to the patient, I am very satisfied. I recommend!😊
I recommend this clinic. It turned out that you can live with a lumbar hernia, although it seemed that surgery was inevitable. After a few months of exercises I am more physically fit than 10 years ago. The “crunching” in my knees has stopped, I can get up from a chair without pain and, consequently, my mood has improved. There is no magic. I achieved everything by doing the right exercises under the guidance of a trainer – in my case, Jakuba. I recommend!!!
An effective way to help with muscle and bone pain. I have personally tested 😘😘😘
I recommend, here work people with a vocation, professionals. They look for the causes of pain, so that after properly selected exercises the pain does not return👍💪 Krzysztof Koziol i Katarzyna Cwynar – thanks ❤
I had been struggling with my problems for almost a year (severe pain in my leg and buttocks). After not getting the best results from my visits to several neurologists and physiotherapists, I came to Fizjo-Sport. After a thorough examination, an appropriate set of exercises was adapted and after a few weeks, the pain disappeared completely. Now I can function normally, I take long walks, which not so long ago was almost impossible – I couldn’t even walk 20 metres. Mr Jakub, who rehabilitated me, is a professional, kind and excellent person. I would like to thank him and recommend his services as the best. I highly recommend !!!
Reliable and professional approach to the patient 😊 Highly recommended !😊
Full professionalism and great approach to the customer.
I recommend as much as possible!